Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Nocturnal Festival 2012

Teenagers and twenty somethings are a hard segment to truly reach.  Although they are highly influenced by advertising, they have a keen eye for what is cool.. and what isn't.  This segment will be the first to deem a new commercial cheesy, or condemn a new product to lameness.

The best way to reach this group is to know what they love, especially what MUSIC they love.  This year will be the third annual Nocturnal Festival.  It features djs and artists who play music in the dubstep/ electronic genre.  This music is HOT HOT HOT in this age segment and if a company is able to associate its brand with this event, it will be sure to make a lasting, favorable impression.

Young adults come decked out in their rave gear and wear anything from a pancho to pasties.  The crowd is a wild bunch all looking for a good time.  If that speaks to your brand then this is a perfect pr/ marketing opportunity.  Although Disney may want to steer clear from this rambunctious atmosphere it would be perfect for a brand such as Red Bull or Monster.  If a company is looking to get in with the young cool kids, this is the place.

A company that markets here however should be careful.  Events like this are known to also attract drugs such as ectasy and LSD.  There is a level of risk in associating with Nocturnal because in past events put on by Insomniac there have been multiple drug overdose deaths.  In marketing with Insomniac you may be isolating thoes in their late twenty's and up, but for some it may be worth the while.

This festival is magical to me and any brand i see there will instantly become a part of my experience.  Music is a powerful tool for marketers because it stirs up emotions better than words.  I can't WAIT for April 26th to get here and I will keep an eye out to see which companies take advantage of this unique opportunity.

For more information visit nocturnalwonderland.com

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