Thursday, March 8, 2012

Festivals and their Bad Rap

YES. I go to music festivals. NO. I don't do drugs. These days everyone thinks that if you listen to dubstep and electronic music you do drugs. That is not true! The music is on another level, the beats are so catchy and stimulating that every concert is a mind blowing experience in itself. From a PR standpoint however, these festivals are a nightmare.

You see in the media that teenage overdoses at these concerts are a reoccuring thing. These kids go to the festival in fuzzy boots, a thong and a bra and take drugs instead of appreciate the music. Not everyone at these concerts are ravers, but these unfortunate deaths have caused this misconception.

Insomniac Events is a bit of a PR nightmare. The company made a whopping $33 million from their events last year but also sent more than 200 teens to the hospital. 2 years ago in Los Angeles a 16 year old girl used a fake id to get into the venue and overdoesed on ectasy and died. It was a tradegy and many wondered how Insomniac let this happen. Artists walked off stage a year later at EDC festival in Dallas when 2 teens died and over 30 were carried away in ambulances for heat exhaustion.

These concerts can be called modern day Woodstock Festivals and it will be interesting to see if Insomniac will survive the lawsuits and controversy. I hope for their sakes they have a team of PR gods by their side. As for me, I am there for the music and I know there are many like me there for the same reason.

Check out these links to Insomniac Events and leave a comment on your opinion of these Rave Festivals!

Nocturnal Wonderland
Electric Daisy Carnival

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