Thursday, March 22, 2012


 I have never seen the city of Austin so alive.  In broad daylight 6th street was cramed with Austinites and out of towners alike.  Live music drifted out from every bar and free merchandice was being passed out like candy.  World reknown artists such as Eminem, The Shins, 50 cent and Skrillex played along side underground local bands.  The festival spread all over downtown and posters, logos and advertisement was rampant on every corner.

SXSW is a PR dream.  The festival is sure to generate fond memories so associating ones brand with such an occasion will help make a lasting impression.  At Chiddy Bang I was pulled over by a concert goer who proceeded to pour my Vitamin Water (it was free, of course) all over his iphone.  I was amazed and shocked as he told me about his product which uses nano technology coating to protect any electronic device.. starting at only $80.  If that doesn't get a consumers protection, I don't know what would.

I ate free Salt Lick barbeque, drank all the free vitamin water i could handle, and even got free popcicles.  It was a battle ground of who could stand out and get their name out there.  I would say the most over the top thing was the dorito stage where Snoop Dog performed.  It stood out and was a centerpiece in conversation.

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