Wednesday, April 18, 2012

"Digital Nation"

I recently was assigned to watch a PBS special called "Digital Nation".  It turned out to be very informative and acurate.  It got me thinking about the world we live in and how it compares to how the way used to be.  It is not uncommon to see a family of 4 sitting in a room... all preocupied by different things.  The mom is googling recipies, the father watching golf on tv.  The youngest child texting away and their older brother playing a computer game online.

There are so many distractions and most often the worst is our phone.  You can access anyone in the world, google any question. get directions to a coffee shop, play games, text, take pictures, and make a video.  All of this is available on a device that fits in your pocket.  We live in a world where real conversations are few and where communication has been reduced to ... lol, g2g and brb.

Which world is better?  Sure our grandparents lives weren't as easy.  Everything was hand written and libraries were their Google.  But they seem happier than we are.  Simplicity may be better than convenience.  Times were simpler back then.  It was easier for advertisers to get people to trust them.  Now skeptisism is rampant.

I wonder what the future holds.  Perhaps a hundred years from now some kid like me will be blogging about our technology as "simple".  Whether we are heading in the right direction or we have taken things too far.. one thing is certain.  Change is inevitable and we can only hope it results in a better future.

One Step at a TIime

Earlier this year I blogged about a curve and wondered if I was already behind,  I am entering the summer before my senior year and have no hands on experience, no internship to my name.  But for the first time I did it! I submitted my resume for a marketing internship!  This is in no way a big accomplishment but for me it is a step.

The internship is for car2go, you know... the company that has all of thoes white little smart cars all around Austin?  It is a marketing internship that will require me to put everything I've learned to good use.  It would be the perfect foot in the door job.  It is no fancy internship at a big firm or anything, but for me it is perfect.

I consider myself to be driven. I got into the college I wanted to and have maintained a satisfactory GPA since being accepted.  However when it has come to gaining experience outside of my education, i haven't been very proactive.  Iv'e been scared of being rejected and scared that I would end up as something less than is expected of me.  But I know it is time, it is now or never.  I've been waiting for something to fall into my lap, until i finally realized it is ME that is supposed to be knocking down doors.

I am in the process or sending out resumes to other companies as well as well as preparing myself for the next scary process of making it to the top... Interviews! :(

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Brand Profile- Coke

Considering the original recepie LITERALLY contained the drug Cocaine, it's a miricle the company was able to survive.  Not only did they weather the storm, but they thrived.  It's closest competitor Pepsi, although very sucessful, has failed to capure the hearts of its consumers in the way that Coke has.  The company inspired undying love for Coke in it's consumers.  The company success comes not necesarily from the quality of the product its-self but in what the product represents.  It has been branded as happiness in a bottle, and represents freedom as well.\

The company has had some of the most memorable marketing and advertising efforts of all time.  "Have a Coke and a smile" is a tag line that won't soon be forgotten.  The small child offering the mean football player a coke that melts his stern face into a smile.  These marketing efforts, along with the many others have made Coke more than just a product, it is an American symbol that is known around the world.

Brand Profile- Mcdonalds

Everyone knows when they see the golden arches in the sky what is to follow... cheeseburgers, french fries and of course the famous Happy Meals.  McDonalds has positioned itself in my memory forever.  As a child my mom would use thoes infamous Happy Meals to trick me into doing my chores. " Honey go clean your room and after I'll take you to Mcdonalds!"  I would dart off to complete my chores with a smile on my face.

Mcdonalds has done an exceptional job at marketing to children because I am not the only one who fondly associates McDonalds with a happy childhood.  Their marketing team has targeted us with scary accuracy and the impression they made on me has lasted into my adulthood.. Given the choice I ALWAYS pick McDonalds over any other fastfood choices.

The lesson learned here is the key to associate ones brand with happiness and if possible, reach em when they are young!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Nocturnal Festival 2012

Teenagers and twenty somethings are a hard segment to truly reach.  Although they are highly influenced by advertising, they have a keen eye for what is cool.. and what isn't.  This segment will be the first to deem a new commercial cheesy, or condemn a new product to lameness.

The best way to reach this group is to know what they love, especially what MUSIC they love.  This year will be the third annual Nocturnal Festival.  It features djs and artists who play music in the dubstep/ electronic genre.  This music is HOT HOT HOT in this age segment and if a company is able to associate its brand with this event, it will be sure to make a lasting, favorable impression.

Young adults come decked out in their rave gear and wear anything from a pancho to pasties.  The crowd is a wild bunch all looking for a good time.  If that speaks to your brand then this is a perfect pr/ marketing opportunity.  Although Disney may want to steer clear from this rambunctious atmosphere it would be perfect for a brand such as Red Bull or Monster.  If a company is looking to get in with the young cool kids, this is the place.

A company that markets here however should be careful.  Events like this are known to also attract drugs such as ectasy and LSD.  There is a level of risk in associating with Nocturnal because in past events put on by Insomniac there have been multiple drug overdose deaths.  In marketing with Insomniac you may be isolating thoes in their late twenty's and up, but for some it may be worth the while.

This festival is magical to me and any brand i see there will instantly become a part of my experience.  Music is a powerful tool for marketers because it stirs up emotions better than words.  I can't WAIT for April 26th to get here and I will keep an eye out to see which companies take advantage of this unique opportunity.

For more information visit

Choosing a Worthy Non-profit

Working for a non-profit organization is one of the most rewarding things a public relations practitioner can do.  Whether the cause be children or puppies it is truly a way for a person in our field to make a difference in the world.  While most non-profits are truly nobel, there is a dark side to these organizations.

It is not uncommon to see stories on the news about corruption in non-profits.  Some CEO's have been caught taking money off the top or having overly generous wages.  And while any organization is bound to have overhead costs (supplies, wages.. etc) there are some non-profits that are better than others at efficiently distributing donations.

Choosing a non-profit to either work for or to donate to should be considered carefully.  Do some research and some online listening.  A big factor is to look up the overall reputation.  Are there any recent scandals? Is the head of the organization passionate about the cause?

Another key thing to find out is what percentage of donations actually go to the cause you are donating or working for.  Non-profits such as American Cancer Society donate only around 26% of the money they make to cancer research. The Susan G. Komen Foundation was recently in hot water about cutting the money they used to donate to planned parenthood.  These are the types of things you should find out before you pick a charity.

Although some have tarnished non-profits reputation, there is still a lot of good done by these organizations.  So pick a cause and an organization worth fighting for and make a difference in the world!

For more information on non-profit fraud click here