Wednesday, April 18, 2012

"Digital Nation"

I recently was assigned to watch a PBS special called "Digital Nation".  It turned out to be very informative and acurate.  It got me thinking about the world we live in and how it compares to how the way used to be.  It is not uncommon to see a family of 4 sitting in a room... all preocupied by different things.  The mom is googling recipies, the father watching golf on tv.  The youngest child texting away and their older brother playing a computer game online.

There are so many distractions and most often the worst is our phone.  You can access anyone in the world, google any question. get directions to a coffee shop, play games, text, take pictures, and make a video.  All of this is available on a device that fits in your pocket.  We live in a world where real conversations are few and where communication has been reduced to ... lol, g2g and brb.

Which world is better?  Sure our grandparents lives weren't as easy.  Everything was hand written and libraries were their Google.  But they seem happier than we are.  Simplicity may be better than convenience.  Times were simpler back then.  It was easier for advertisers to get people to trust them.  Now skeptisism is rampant.

I wonder what the future holds.  Perhaps a hundred years from now some kid like me will be blogging about our technology as "simple".  Whether we are heading in the right direction or we have taken things too far.. one thing is certain.  Change is inevitable and we can only hope it results in a better future.

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