Thursday, April 12, 2012

Brand Profile- Coke

Considering the original recepie LITERALLY contained the drug Cocaine, it's a miricle the company was able to survive.  Not only did they weather the storm, but they thrived.  It's closest competitor Pepsi, although very sucessful, has failed to capure the hearts of its consumers in the way that Coke has.  The company inspired undying love for Coke in it's consumers.  The company success comes not necesarily from the quality of the product its-self but in what the product represents.  It has been branded as happiness in a bottle, and represents freedom as well.\

The company has had some of the most memorable marketing and advertising efforts of all time.  "Have a Coke and a smile" is a tag line that won't soon be forgotten.  The small child offering the mean football player a coke that melts his stern face into a smile.  These marketing efforts, along with the many others have made Coke more than just a product, it is an American symbol that is known around the world.

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