Wednesday, April 18, 2012

One Step at a TIime

Earlier this year I blogged about a curve and wondered if I was already behind,  I am entering the summer before my senior year and have no hands on experience, no internship to my name.  But for the first time I did it! I submitted my resume for a marketing internship!  This is in no way a big accomplishment but for me it is a step.

The internship is for car2go, you know... the company that has all of thoes white little smart cars all around Austin?  It is a marketing internship that will require me to put everything I've learned to good use.  It would be the perfect foot in the door job.  It is no fancy internship at a big firm or anything, but for me it is perfect.

I consider myself to be driven. I got into the college I wanted to and have maintained a satisfactory GPA since being accepted.  However when it has come to gaining experience outside of my education, i haven't been very proactive.  Iv'e been scared of being rejected and scared that I would end up as something less than is expected of me.  But I know it is time, it is now or never.  I've been waiting for something to fall into my lap, until i finally realized it is ME that is supposed to be knocking down doors.

I am in the process or sending out resumes to other companies as well as well as preparing myself for the next scary process of making it to the top... Interviews! :(

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