Thursday, April 12, 2012

Brand Profile- Mcdonalds

Everyone knows when they see the golden arches in the sky what is to follow... cheeseburgers, french fries and of course the famous Happy Meals.  McDonalds has positioned itself in my memory forever.  As a child my mom would use thoes infamous Happy Meals to trick me into doing my chores. " Honey go clean your room and after I'll take you to Mcdonalds!"  I would dart off to complete my chores with a smile on my face.

Mcdonalds has done an exceptional job at marketing to children because I am not the only one who fondly associates McDonalds with a happy childhood.  Their marketing team has targeted us with scary accuracy and the impression they made on me has lasted into my adulthood.. Given the choice I ALWAYS pick McDonalds over any other fastfood choices.

The lesson learned here is the key to associate ones brand with happiness and if possible, reach em when they are young!

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