Thursday, February 23, 2012

Chris Brown: talent or trouble?

The Grammy's this year stirred up quite the controversy!  Almost everyone is aware of the Chris Brown/ Rihanna incident that happened a few years ago.  The questions stands, Was Chris Brown deserving of the Grammy he received, and more importantly, should he have been allowed to perform.

Looking at this from a Public Relations stand point I believe the answer is crystal clear... no.  Although he may have deserved the Grammy because that is based soley on talent, I believe he should not have been permitted to perform.  By having him perform the people who put on the award ceremony were giving him their endorsement.

Chris Brown is not someone I would want my children to look up to.  The domestic abuse incident alone is reason enough, but to top it off he is known to tweet  negative and offensive comments.  I guess the question stands whether performers should be judged solely on their talent or on their merits and ethics as well.  Rappers receive street cred for going to jail and are worshipped all the same. 

When it comes to talent, NO ONE can deny that Chris Brown has it in spades.  But for me personally and from a PR perspective, anyone who is abusive should "Run It" right out of the industry...

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