Thursday, February 16, 2012

I hate research.

It is a skill that is hard to master and yet vital to a public relations major.  It is the process of taking the responses of a study and crunching numbers to reach conclusions.  Personally, I prefer having a conversation with a person rather than crunching them into an excel spreadsheet. 

Corporations are paying top dollar to get inside the consumers mind.  Research is becoming more and more a part of the public relations field because at the end of the day, companies want quantitative data to reassure them that the vasts amounts of money they are spending is warrented.

When I envision myself in the corporate world as a PR major I conjure up images of crisis communications and writing speeches for top CEO's.... but the truth is that I will most likely be sitting at a desk interpreting data and... ugh... number crunching.  In order to make it to the top you have to put in your time as an unpaid intern doing really boring tasks.  And yup, that includes research.

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