Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Is there a curve?

I am a 21 year old public relations major at the University of Texas.  I am proud of my school and I am especially proud of my chosen field.  Each passing day brings me closer to graduation and what once seemed so far away is quickly coming to sumation.

What is life after college? And what separates thoes who will suceeed from thoes who will obtain mediocracy? We are told to be profficient copy editors and concise writers. We are trained in the art of conversation and are supposed to know exactly what to do in a time of crisis.  When I look at my peers I know that I am receiving the exact same education as them, and yet some inevitably seem to be leading the pack.

As graduation approaches I am scrambling to distinguish myself from my peers and am constantly searching for networking opportunities and resume boosters.  I see Facebook status's about my classmates landing paid internships, and becoming the president of this or that club and I wonder; am I falling behind the curve?

In this day and age it isn't enough to just get the degree.  In this day and age you have to stand out. The career you end up with is a mixture of skill, luck, perserverance, and a little bit of who you know.  So far I have no fancy internship to my name, and I am not the president of any club.  Am I already behind? Or am I the norm?  I wonder what it is that determines success.

In public relations it is not enough to just coast.  You have to throw yourself out there over and over again.  Mostly you will get rejected, but all it takes if one break to get your career rolling.  I believe it is the fear of rejection that holds most of us public relations majors back.  When I stop and think about it I have realized that half hearted attempts at making connections will get me no where.

So I am making it my mission, and you should make it yours.  In our field giving 50 percent will get you no where when there are thoes giving it their all.  In our field only perserverence, professionalism and personality prevails at the end of the day.  Go beyond a handshake and a smile, and don't let opportunities pass you by.

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