Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Iconic Critters

Gidget, The Taco Bell Chihuahua

Who ever said that sex sells best clearly never owned a pet. We've all seen that guy at the park with the adorable fluffy puppy... surrounded by cooing women. The truth is that people love animals. We cried at the end of Old Yeller, cheered on Free Willy as he dove to freedom, laughed at the little British gecko selling us car insurance, and collectively have all wanted to strangle the Aflac duck. As a Public Relations major I can't help but notice the power these furry creatures have over us humans.

I also noticed just how many advertisers have tried to harness this power.

The Geico gecko, Tony the Tiger, the Taco Bell Chihuahua, Micky Mouse, the Chick-fil-et cows, and the Meow Mix kitty all have one thing in common; they are memorable! Animals sell, and not just to children. I am spreading my Laughing Cow light Garlic and Herb spread on some Wheat Thins as I type this out and I can't help but smile at the happy laughing cow on the label.

See? Now tell me you don't want to laugh right along with this happy little cow! So what is it about animals that capture our imagination?

Animals are pure, they won't lie to you or mislead you. People seem to trust a gecko telling them about car insurance more than a person. The connection we make with animals is instantaneous and unfettered by the proper social etiquette we apply to members of our own species. We see a cute puppy and instantaneously scoop the critter up in our arms and let him lick our face. If a guy in a bar tried that with a cute girl I imagine it would not go over so well.

As a PR major I have a particular interest in the field of animal welfare. Advertisers have been tugging at heartstrings with cute critters for ages and these animals have proven just as effective in the field of Public Relations. We all have a soft spot for animals and even though they talk to us in commercials, they have no voice to speak out against animal cruelty.

To get involved with animal welfare check out The Humane Society or  Town Lake Animal Shelter

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