Thursday, February 2, 2012

Sooo, what exactly is PR?

Public relations is undoubtedly a growing field.  Social media continues to grow and more uncontrolled conversations about brands are taking place via social networking sites, blogs, and forums.  More and more public relations practitioners are needed to clean up messes and promote a positive point of view in a world that loves too see others fail.

So while the field is growing, does that entail that the proffession is more recognized? I was in my PR Techniques class last year when something quite unexpected happened.  My professor ask a room full of public relations majors.... what is public relations?

He was met with silence.

And the truth is not a lot of people know a lot about our growing field... and apparently neither did we. PRSA says "Public relations helps an organization and its publics adapt mutually to each other." According to the PRSA, the essential functions of public relations include research, planning, communication, dialogue and evaluation.

Although it is not as well known as the field of advertising, public relations can get a similar bad rap.  Some see public relation practitioners as being sneaky, conniving and manipulative.  And while our field does have its share of those who use their powers for evil, public relations does a lot of good. Non-profit pr in particular is a more rewarding profession than most. 

Even though most can not clearly define what it is that public relations proffesional do, their efforts are all around us.  It is in the news, on Facebook, in forums and even shapes societies conversations.  I hope someone asks me to define what public relations is... because this time I will be ready.

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